Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Six and a half transformative events in the first decade of the 21st Century

Here's a summary of my first six and a half (for the 'half', see Katrina Part I, below) blogs on major transformative events that have and continue to have strong influcences not only on me-but by inference also on my (our) family, community, Congregation, State, Nation and the World.

My decade began with the destruction of the world trade center towers.

I had personally witnessed the horror, the pain and loss that this devastation brought to two families living adjacent to each other. By extension, thousands and tens of thousands of Americans and citizens of other countries likewise suffered loss of dear ones.

I made a flight to the Holy Land where I discovered the extreme economic downturn to the small state of Israel in the loss of tourist dollars. I personally witnessed the hatred of America and her ally Israel in a walking tour of a Palestinian neighborhood where I had been 'attacked' by a young group of ragamuffins shouting "Ugly, f___ing American, Go home American"

I had toured the Cholon municipality near Tel Aviv to witness the small impact of my grandfather's building mission on the reclamation of acres and acres of sand.

My Hebraic roots were rediscovered on the journey: I re- celebrated my Bar Mitzvah and had the privilege of teaching ethics, culture, trope and cantillations to pre-teens students.

An exciting and rewarding year of my life involved teaching journalism skills to inner-city students at Jamaica High School to republish the Hilltopper, once the best High School newspaper in the nation; here as well, I had the privilege of teaching ESL to most appreciative students-- newly-admitted proud young citizens to a country that built its success as a result of welcoming tens of millions of immigrants to its shores for the last 400 years.

Next, I successfully dealt with my fourth divorce: my adopted 12 year old daughter, rescued from the abuse of an orphanage, had been given a new lease on life; I exited the marriage on good terms with both my 'daughter' as well as her mom. The secrets of maintaining lasting harmony with exes will be explored.

Next, dear reader, join me on my continuing odyssey where I will show you how Katrina (see Part I) gave me the opportunity to perform small acts of kindness that can-- individually and collectively--help transform our ailing nation--ailing economically as well as spiritually.

To begin with the first transformative event click here.

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