Sunday, August 15, 2010

Going Wi-Fi in New York City: My Airport has Has Access To MANY Cloud Confreres!

Forget having to trek to Starbucks to find a hot zone.

It's past 6:30 AM here in Queens New York.

And there's 'hot air' all around me.

I seem to be floating in an atmosphere of unlimited wi-fi networks.

At last count, a rapid click on my airport strength icon reveals 17, yes seventeen active wireless networks.

I am particularly intrigued by names: one is aptly named dulce de leche 29h (name changed to protect the user)

With that name, I am ready to grab some Columbian coffee in my neighborhood and add some dulce de leche! (sweet milk)

Another goes by 'deelink.' I can fly on that airline, too! (considering LGA is close by!)

Wow, and since 3:30 AM, I seem to have accessed at least three cloud confreres.

I am in a low rise of 6 stories surrounded by many such structures.

Just imagine if I were in a midtown Manhattan hi-rise skyscraper of 50 stories.

Just how many confreres would I access then?

Fifty, seventy five, or perhaps, one hundred or more?

Now, that would be a wi-fi STORY (TO COUNT) AND TELL!

Have a great day, all!

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