Sunday, November 17, 2013

Amazing Revealing letter from Krushchev to JFK during the missile crisis

Photo courtesy of the AP

Thanks to Martin Sandler, editor of  "The Letters of JFK" we now know that many letters were exchanged by the two world leaders at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Some  of these letters were 35-40 pages long. 

On a recent C-Span books interview, Sandler related that he had read them all and the most compelling is one that stated: 
 "If we don't solve this and we don't solve this now, the living will envy the dead." 

You would have thought the speaker was JFK. After all, it was our country that was under the  potential attack-- that was orchestrated by the Soviet Premier.  

However, what is amazing is that the writer - counterintuitvely-- was Khrushchev himself --not JFK-- as most would think

January 6, 1958 Cover of Time Magazine
Did  he merit the honor too soon?

After all, it was Khrushchev who ultimately authorized the placement of Soviet Made missiles within 90 miles of our coastline. 

This whole event sends more than than just a frisson of horror across one's being. 

Just how close we came to a nuclear holocaust will never be fathomed.

To access the entire Sandler C-Span Book presentation, click on this link:

Here's a  review of Sandler's book by The Guardian.

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