Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day To All

What a wonderful day for us to pause and give thanks to one of the great explorers of his day, Christopher Columbus. Although, he did not actually land anywhere in our country, we salute him because he directly and indirectly inspired others such as Cartier, Coronado DeSoto, Champlain, Hudson et al. to open up our vast continent for settlement. They were truly European New World Discoverers by default. After all, they were looking for a water passage to the riches of the Far East.

It's a beloved day by all Americans since it is a national holiday . Schoolchildren and their teachers have a day off. The malls are traditionally crowded by people chasing merchandise reduced for Columbus day. The stock markets are open with dollars chasing stocks. It is a great op to take to the highways and byways to catch a glimpse of the fall foliage.

So today, in the spirit of entrepreneurship and discovery, I will commence a blog commenting on hot topics from the twittersphere. This will provide me with the opportunity to grab and use my digital cam to share my interest in photography by posting photos of a topical nature .

I visited New York City yesterday and took some photos and videos in and around Central Park's Sheep Meadow and surrounding area. Here they are.
My favorite is the one featuring NYPD's German Shepherd chasing a 'frisbee.'


Hail to the new 'cloud'

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