Friday, April 8, 2011

Tough Times are With Us and What lies Ahead????

The latest earthquake in Japan --a 7.4 on the richter scale- is another major tragedy for a country just ravaged by a Tsunami.

This event should be a wake up call for the rest of the world?

Tough times are ahead for all us..globally, nationally and locally.

Our elected employees, lucky to have well paying jobs, guaranteed salaries, the best of health care--are closing down the government because they cannot decide on how much to cut the budget.

Walmart is announcing major price increases.

Gasoline at the pump here in lower Fairfield County is at $4 a gallon for regular and goes up weekly. How high will it climb?

Prices we pay for basic foodstuffs- bread, milk, butter, eggs--will undoubtedly rise as the cost of transportation rises.

Portugal is crying out to the western countries for a major bailout as our planes continue to hammer away at Libya-- as there come reports of at least two air strikes that have killed innocent rebels. Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Iran are experiencing continuing protests against authoritarian regimes.

Our war against the Taliban continues unabatedly in Afghanistan as we enter our 11th year--fighting a war that in enmeshed in confusion in a place that has taken down earlier empires.

Meanwhile, back home 5 out of every 6 persons seeking work (perhaps even higher) are still unemployed. And millions of Americans face foreclosure as Wall Street executives continue to rake in the bucks, still free to operate in the murky field of derivatives.

It's time to clean up our individual acts and help those in need. It's time to give up some of our creature comforts and seek to help someone in need.

It's time to realize that we are accountable--our actions to help others really do matter...

It all begins in our own families... What can each one of us do to alleviate the mental, physical or economic hardships that a family member is experiencing?

It's time to wake up, world! Together we swim or together, perish the thought, we sink...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read it. Like it. You got it. This is how it will be until we care about one another.

Jack Twomey