Monday, October 19, 2009

I am lucky to have a job and pray to God every morning

I visited with my teenage nephews in the city this past weekend. They are doing fine and each one is working up to his ability at their private school where they are comfortably shielded from the reality that is our nationwide recession.
I am up early and took a morning walk in the neighborhood and wound up at the local 7-11 Convenience store where Tony and I struck up a conversation over a cup of coffee.
It is 5AM and Tony explains he is just returning from his job as a warehouseman at his company's locale a half hour train ride out on Long Island. He says "I pray to God every morning and thank him that I have a job. I no longer count the hours I work every day. I just show up and work and load water bottles on trucks.." Tony is short, thin and a youthful 35, full of enthusiasm. He wears a clean green jacket with logos touting the various mineral waters his company distributes: Perrier, Evian, Poland Spring etc.
He continues: "In order to sell product during these difficult times, my company cut in half the price they charge the vendors for cases, so they are loading up on product because they can get twice as much water for the same price. My company is not hiring so I wind up loading twice as many cases as usual. It's a lot more work, I don't get paid any more, but, man, I am happy to have a job and pray to God every morning I still have a job tomorrow. I was laid off from another water company in the city..."
I take leave of Tony,smile at him, thank him for sharing his story and, as we leave, he lights up, smiles and urges me to pray to God every day like he does.
Perhaps, we can all help each other a bit more by listening to one another and by showing appreciation for their courage, hope, optimism and enthusiasm during these trying times.

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