Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 4, 2024: Sadly Our Hard Earned Democratic System of Government is on Life Support; July 23, 2024: There are Bright Signs of Recovery

 July 4th, has traditionally been a day of celebration in our household.

As a child growing up, we would proudly display an American flag in the front of our East Tremont (Bronx) home and my parents instilled in their children how proud they were to be a part of the American dream.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Courtesy of Getty Images Creator Alan Thornton 


They were proud that America had given us the equal opportunity to

practice our religion without any restraints, to speak freely our opinions and

amazingly provided the free education- kindergarten through High School and then even college (City College of the City of New York, until 1976) –  to pursue a vocation that would lead to success. 

We were taught in our civics courses that our government incorporated a system of checks and balances that prohibited one branch of government from usurping the sole power of governing. Our presidency was designed to replace the King as the sole creator and arbiter of laws. Our legislature was erected to enact laws that were guided by the principles of our Constitution.

The judiciary was erected to be sure that laws thus enacted followed the dictates of our founding fathers enacted in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.


We were taught that if you play by the rules, you have an equal chance of 

success and that no single branch of our government was above the law.

This levels the field for us all -especially the governors including the three branches of the government and the citizens as well. 

 As a matter of fact, our Declaration of Independence refers in the first paragraph to the “separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature '' entitle each and every group and institution-including the three branches of government. 

No one citizen of our country–including the President– is ‘immune’ from this principle. All for One and One for all.  

The Supreme Court Building 

With one major decision the principle of the separate but equal concept has been uprooted by the United States Supreme Court.


In Trump vs. United States decided 07/01/24, the highest judiciary ruled that the former President of the United States, Donald Trump–(in fact all presidents) is/are immune to prosecution for acts committed within his/their official duties.

In effect Mr. Trump who has 34 felony convictions could be exempt from any criminal prosecution.

As a matter of fact, the Judge presiding over the New York hush money case involving Stormy Daniels has postponed sentencing from July 11th to September 18 to assess the effect of this immunity ruling the case.

And this ruling is scary in view of an erratic, impulsive, lying man who once declared “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Ave. and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?”

You may question why I used  the words "Life Support."  The Supreme court has knocked the ’separate but equal’ concept, the tripartite separation of powers, flat on its head. 

They have done this by, in effect, returning the presidency into the monarchy/kingship from which our founding fathers were so careful to avoid. 

The President can now choose what is acceptable behavior under the cloak of official duties.

What’s more, the Supreme Court has enfeebled itself by in effect relinquishing its separate but equal role, by blunting its probative responsibility in being the fair impartial arbiter of the law under the Constitution.

SCOTUS has “copped out”—literally relinquishing its police power over what the constitution was intended to protect… 

Finally, why did I choose Life support you may still ask….

We have two candidates that are weak mentally and physically. Both will be octogenarians while in office. One is mentally unfit to lead our great country forward as attested by his ‘off the teleprompter'

ranting and rambling during his  acceptance speech— that lasted over 90 minutes: it was surely sleep-inducing for many of the delegates. 

The other Joe Biden, already 82, with an impressive legislative track record over his 40 plus years in public office is under tremendous pressure to withdraw because of mental slips and a poor performance in the first debate. 

As I am writing this article, it has been announced that President
Biden has bowed out of the race and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be nominated as the next President of the U.S.

And more optimistic late breaking news is that according to the Wall Street Journal, Vice President Harris has been pledged a majority of the delegates to the DNC next month.  

It is my fervent wish that whoever the democrats do in fact nominate for President will have the strength to unite the Party and nourish the seeds and fruits of our great democracy to restore the respect for law and order that seems to be so lacking…

Friday, March 1, 2024

A Tribute to a Living Legend E.Victor Seixas, Jr. along with Tennis Heroes and Heroines at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park


Here's a tribute to the remarkable E. Victor Seixas, Jr.  US Tennis Stalwart --the oldest living grand slam player now 100 hundred years old-- who I had the pleasure of watching beat Rex Hartwig in the US Open final of 1954 at the West Side Tennis club at Forest Hills, NY 

E. Victor Seixas, Jr.

What follows is a snapshot and tribute to one of the many significant timelines of my evolving peripatetic life- moving from the midwest (where I taught English at Wisconsin State Univ.) to San Francisco and settling in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood - (42 Baker Street)  just a 10- minute walk to a Tennis mecca, Golden Gate Park (GGP). It was a Camelot Life for me for many reasons. But here is just a freeze frame of that special time. 

   GGP is where I hung out when I wasn't studying the Law. Here is where I fast made friends and enriched my academic life with lasting social relationships. Here is where I was in the process of getting in great shape-- 'working my way up' the tennis ladder.' Here is where I achieved a major personal victory. 

  Here are just a few of the friends and tennis greats I include in my anthology and panoply of memorable icons. 

 Dan Lucey: master instructor and strategist who taught me the art of focused tennis. He was ranked number three in the 45's in California. 

Dan Lucey master player 

Henry Pon was one of the most steady players I have ever had the privilege of playing against. Short, thin and soft spoken and a master of defensive retrieval, he would never miss a shot. He played a backcourt game and thrived there in the process of beating most players.     

Howard Lee, how can I ever forget the strategy that you taught me? You are and were a master strategist and you plied me with many printed articles you had written on the fundamentals of the game forehand, backhand, serve, etc. Essential in your tips was mastering wrist control. Memorable are the times we would meet at the neighborhood courts near Chinatown and practice technique. What is awesome was your passion for the sport and your eagerness to share without expecting financial remuneration. You will always be a friend. 

Bill Small: was a solid B player at GGP and thanks to the great preparation from Dan Lucey, a ranked California Netman, I played a nearly flawless match in the No. California Open Tournament winning in two sets. I had an early taste of the mindfulness--the focus and near total  concentration  necessary for playing within the zone ('zone tennis') to play at the top of one's game.  This mindfulness followed me back to the East Coast where I enjoyed doubles play in Connecticut's hard courts in Scalzi Park in Stamford and on the Har-Tru clay courts at Oak Hills Tennis club  courts in Norwalk. 

Lowell Barnhart, your were a solid B player. You often played with the Louie sisters and we played many matches together. You always had a smile and a great attitude winning or losing.

Among,  the many notable tennis regulars included Tom Brown (lost  to Jack Kamer in the 1947 Wimbledon final) Whitney Reed, 1951 Wimbledon champ Art "Tappy" Larsen,  Greg Shepard, Rosey Casals, Arlene Cohen, Dan Lucey, Marcie Louie  and Peanut Louie Harper. 

What an inspiration....reliving the art and grace of tennis.....

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Part II: The Positive Side of Staycations: Brevity, Brevity, Brevity..

If you would like to catch up with Part I click here. 

If brevity be the soul of wit, then John Le Carre's last novel Silverview is a the epitome of terse, yet powerful spy fiction. The book is a delight to read. The plot centers around a major "four-star" breach in British intelligence. The prime suspects are two. The first is the man who describes himself as a "British mongrel, retired, a former academic of no merit and one of life's odd job men." The other is his cancer stricken wife who was a former top analyst for British intelligence who works for a 'quasi' governmental organizations. 

Thrown in the mix of memorable characters are the British Head of Domestic Security labelled the "Chief Sniffer Dog" and a young wealthy financial wizard who abandons his London career to become a bookseller in a small coastal town in Northern England. Le Carrre (1931-2020) the Master of Spy Fiction is at his best in this 200 page finale.

Ken Follett's 802 Page Thriller 

Stuck at home this past summer with late stage covid hybrid, I embarked on an 800 page journey sparked by my "second look" at a special collection at Darien Library pictured below 

The Special "Second Look" section at Darien 
Library for Chart-Buster Books you might Have Missed  

Brevity is a challenge as one essays to summarize a long novel in a few paragraphs with less than 375 words....Here goes. 

How do you stay glued to an 800 page thriller that captivates and propels you to a '"Doomsday" scenario---as if you are on an 8 day, non-stop literary binge in your Home Entertainment Theater---your den?  

The plot of Never begins with Abdul an undercover CIA agent tasked with tracking a Saharan cocaine shipment destined to fund the terrorist group ISGS (Islamic State Greater Sahara) and simultaneously locate the terrorist leader, al-Farabi. The U.S gets involved when an American soldier is killed in a border incident and the sniper's rifle is traced to North Korea. Tensions swell between leaders in the U.S and China; then China sinks an American oil exploration vessel and we are quickly moving up the Defcon scale.  Then through a series of events linking Chad (in North East Africa) to Washington, D.C., China, to North and South Korea, the world arrives at the brink of Defcon One (nuclear war is imminent or has begun)--pitting the U.S. against its arch enemy. 

 Along the way, Follett introduces us to to many characters whose lives we enter since they are so clearly etched. There is the beautiful widowed Chad refugee, Kiah -with her tot Naji, who is on a flight to freedom seeking a better life in France. She joins the CIA agent Abdul on a perilous northern journey. Pauline Greene is the first female US President whose marriage is on the rocks and she has little time to spend time with her angst-ridden teen daughter Pippa as she perilously grapples with impending decisions.   

Married to Ting, a popular actress on Chinese TV, Chang Kai, a young liberal thinking minister for international intelligence, is at odds against old guard Maoist operatives like his father Chang Jianjun, Vice Chairman of the National Security Commission. Chang is faced with dealing with an American- UN resolution condemning China and false accusations made by his enemy Li Jiankang that his wife has been critical of the party. 

I invite you to enjoy your vacations, or staycations, as I did, and join the binge as you enjoy the literary journey by a master of fiction, Ken Follett.   

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Part One: Staycations are for Recharging the Battery and Delving into the Creative Arts

 I am celebrating and remembering two staycations--one in the summer of  2021 and the second this past summer of 2023. 

The writer masked during Class at 
Greenwich High School 

   Both were initiated by the corona virus and both had different outcomes. During the Greenwich High School academic year 2020-2021, I volunteered to be a full time co-teacher of AP Chemistry. The regular  teacher,  PHD certified,  was quarantined at home because her aged parents were staying with her and she didn't want to expose them to the virus. She zoomed classes from home.

 We didn't miss a single day, didn't log in a single absence and I was happy to fulfill an important role to make sure the students who signed up for the class would be able to attend. 

  The summer of 2021 was memorable for experiencing mental burnout and physical stagnation. It was marked by resignation to remediation. In other words, I stayed at home, did  low impact exercise at my club and devoted the summer to recharging my depleted battery. 

  The following summer, I was charged up with much energy. During this next academic year I was no longer a long term Chemistry substitute so I was able to teach in other departments and disciplines-- including Special Education, English, Social Studies, Languages and Music. And, of course, I was now able to work at my own pace, meaning I no longer had to 'punch  a time clock' and could take days off if so chose..... 

 That summer was glorious: I followed a dream that I have had  for so many years since living in California and hiking and backpacking the Sierras enjoying treks in to the wildernesses of the Alpine and Tuolumne Meadows, 

That's me Learning to Climb Mt. Hale
in the White Mountains led by a guide (summer 2022) 

 I trained during the year to build up my endurance to climb some mountains in the Presidential Range of the White Mountains. And what a blessing it was and is to be accompanied by a guide. (More on this experience on a later post).

 Nearly three and a half years after the onset of Covid, I tested positive, in the middle of Judy 2023.  Rather than be totally sidelined by the subsequent quarantine and staycation that ensued,  I dedicated myself to Literature and Arts that I will be proud to share in a subsequent post. So tune in to Part II.   



Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Part II: Advice from Dan Lucey: Tennis is a People Sport

Meet Mr. Cool Man Tennis: Dan Lucey is second from the left. He is flanked on his right by John Holden on his left by Bill Hepner and Alex Swetka (early.1960's)

In Part I, I introduced my life changing relationship with Dan which began in San Francisco over 50 years ago at the Golden Gate Tennis Courts.(To read Part I, click here.) 

In this essay, I want to highlight some advice that Dan related to me over and over again.
First, he inspired me to be physically fit: eat healthy foods, get lots of sleep and work out daily. I applied his advice then and even up until now, so that recently my primary care Physician put me in awe when she disclosed that biologically I am 30 years younger than my chronological age.

  Secondly, Dan emphasized total focus on the fundamentals of the game: serve, groundstrokes, net work, serve and volley, then lobs. 

 Thirdly, he  pointed out to me that through my passion with tennis, I would be meeting interesting and fascinating and-- even sometimes well- known people wherever I play. 

How true have been your words Dan. 

With Dan beside me, we watched and analyzed the winning techniques of some of the best Golden Gate players-- such nationally ranked players as Tom Brown who with his precise ground strokes bested Greg Shephard (about 20 years younger) who boasted a smooth serve and volley game. We also watched other great players as Rosey Casals, Whitney Reed (see Part I) and "Peanut" Louie Harper. 
 I have lived in over 40 different residences across the United States, enjoyed playing tennis in eight different states (eleven--11-- different residences in both Northern and Southern California alone) and have made many many friends on the tennis court, joined clubs and tennis ladders.  To list all the fine people I have met would be too time and space consuming .So, here are just a few of the interesting folks I have met along the way.

Some tennis greats I have run into along the "way" include  Lew Hoad at a Senior men's tournament  in Sacramento; playing tennis with U.S. Open champ Art  "Tappy" Larson, playing next to Dr. Reginald Weir (a black tennis legend prior to Arthur Ashe) and Dick Savitt, U.S. Open champ (whom I met at the Columbia University Tennis Center on Coogan's Bluff, NYC) 

And finally a chance encounter with Senator Ted Kennedy at a tennis facility in Maine. (recounted in this memorial to my dad's passion for sports.) 

And the beat goes on...

(Now, I have developed another passion: mountain climbing a few of the 48 mountains above 4,000 feet in the White Mountains of New Hampshire (with a guide, of course!).  

Friday, June 2, 2023

Down Memory Lane with the A. B. Davis Tennis Squad 1958


Reintroducing the A.B.Davis Tennis Team, Class of 1958. Pictured left to right are Harvey Sande, Les Moglen, Bob (Eder) Adrian, Norm Dayron and Dick Schwartz. We were a feisty, fearless  team led by our coach civics teacher Mr. Elwell. 

   Here are some memories. Though short, Harvey Sande was a steady 'dynamite' player at most times unbeatable. He reminded me of the outstanding Aussie tennis great Ken Rosewall.  He often picked me up in his vintage Volkswagen bug with stick shift and canvas top sunroof. He introduced me to the New Rochelle Tennis Club where I played the summer of 1963. I enjoyed watching Harvey beat some of the top club players by out rallying then on the  immaculately groomed red clay.  I hooked up with Harvey in California where he practiced Law in Berkely. Sadly he ran into his own legal problems. I called him  from Connecticut and Harvey told me in slow speech he was disabled unable to get around and basically homebound. Shortly thereafter, I learned he passed away. Harvey was soft spoken and showed grace under pressure when outplaying players stronger than him. Harvey, you will be missed. 

   Les Moglen was the star of our team: tall, strong and solidly built. The Moglen family, including older brother  Lloyd, Les, younger brother Leland and sister Mary Lou were all inspired to excel in tennis by their dad Maxwell  The family lived down the Esplanade, close to the Columbus Ave. New Haven Railroad stop. Their home was below a steep rise and they had engineered the construction of swimming into the rise. Maxwell would often drive his boys up the hill in his Chevy Impala convertible to practice   tennis at the clay court behind the home built by real estate magnate Joe Durst. He would always bring a tennis ball launcher machine and living across the street,  I would watch him train each of his four kids 
   Les played number one for us and was unbeatable. Both he and Lloyd were ranked New York State Players and Lloyd even made it to the qualifiers at Forest Hills. Les became a plastic surgeon in the Bay Area and sadly passed away in 2014. 

 Watch out tennis world: Norm Dayron could be unbeatable on the courts: he had a booming serve and when on, he could serve many a love game. I invited him to join me at the Durst 

Clay court and we often enjoyed pushing each other around. Off the courts Norm often invited me over to his home where we shared our passion for jazz and he particularly liked Shelly Manne. He married schoolmate Betty Zukernnick and I often wonder what happened to him.

Bob (Eder) Adrian was a fearsome player; he mastered the art of court strategy that made him a cagey player both in singles and doubles. He was close behind Les Moglen in court


Dick Schwartz spent his High School years in the home built by the grandfather of classmate Richie Feist, Leo Feist, music publisher. He grew up in the Bronx two blocks from Crotona Park which today sports a beautiful tennis facility that hosts the annual Bronx open. He has written many articles showing his passion for tennis. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Is it Time to factor in the Accomplishments of President Richard M. Nixon in assessing his legacy?

Dwight Chapin, a resident of Riverside, Connecticut makes a strong argument why we should reassess the character of President Richard Nixon in view of the accomplishments during his term in office. 

In The President's Man by Dwight Chapin (2022), written 50 years after Watergate, the author presents a well written memoir depicting how a Kansas raised farm boy becomes the personal aide and confident of President Richard Nixon. ("I was given a gift of understanding him," he declares in a Washington Post interview referred to below." )

From the time of Nixon's infamous quote "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore" after his narrow defeat in the Presidential election of 1960, planning and executing the around-the-world trip; celebrating the Apollo 11 astronauts landing on the moon in 1969, to Nixon's groundbreaking trip to China in 1973 and Nixon's resignation, Chapin served faithfully at Nixon's side

After moving with his family to LA and attending USC, he works on Nixon's unsuccessful gubernatorial campaign of 1962, meets and impresses John Haldeman, West Coast head of J Walter Thompson who helps promote him--along with the President's wife Pat Nixon to be Nixon's White House aide The book moves along at a nice pace detailing his exciting tireless efforts at electing Nixon to the Presidency in the 1968.

Chapin is an excellent memoirist and does an excellent job at portraying Nixon as a brilliant political strategist and global statesman who surrounded himself with outstanding advisors; however, one could argue that despite his near idol worship of his boss, Chapin fails to depict him as an admirable public servant; after all, the Watergate scandal does overshadow his presidency. 

Along the say we meet a colorful cast of characters and politicos: Roger Aisles who becomes Nixon's TV producer, Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's personal secretary, Dick Tuck master Democratic Party "prankster", Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the Pope just to name a few. For a more complete summary click here.  

I also recommend viewing this 27 minute Washington Post interview with Chapin. Here you can, perhaps, reevaluate your judgment of Nixon the sadly fallible human being versus Nixon the shrewd political operative who successfully prosecuted Alger Hiss, established OSHA,  EPA  and the all volunteer military. For RN's impressive accomplishments in office, both foreign and domestic, search the Richard Nixon Foundation website.