Its easy to get caught up in the relentless waves of sad news 'sweeping' (clean) our country.
One plague after another.
As if the Covid pandemic is not enough---claiming over 1,000 American lives daily....
In the summer of 2018, the Camp Fire leveled the town of Paradise, CA destroying some 14,000 residences.
This summer saw the LNU Lightning complex (yes, multiple strikes of lightening) igniting many fires affecting residents in Napa County, Solano County, Lake County, Yolo County and Sonoma County.
And just yesterday, fires are burning in many areas of Oregon and Washington states; an area size of New Jersey is now aflame in all three Pacific coast states.
As the West is burning, cities are still reeling from the shocking deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Daniel Prude.
Widespread flooding and storm damage has occurred in the Lake Charles, Louisiana area as a result of Hurricane Laura.
And its aftermath has caused severe storm damage here in New England (thousands without power for over a week and communities littered with downed trees on almost every street).
And here in Connecticut a number of freak tornadoes have wreaked havoc in the the Westport area and elsewhere.
And the beat goes on ....the beat goes on.
Is there cause for pessimism?
No doubt!
But there is cause for optimism! Continue reading my articles in the weeks to come.
Yes, the beat need not go on.
And I will show you how.
So stay tuned.