Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Perrot Library in Old Greenwich commemorates the Roosevelt family

Kudos to Perrot Library which has established a Roosevelt Table featuring many books on the illustrious family in its reading room.

This 'exhibition' coincides with the PBS seven part, 14- hour series on the Roosevelts.

This fabulous in-depth series was produced under the watchful direction of Ken Burns and represents the first time the lives of these three iconic personages have been woven into a single narrative.

A Tribute to the founder of The Stamford CT library: John Day Ferguson, 1832-1877

John Day Ferguson 1832-1877
Founder of the Stamford Library

The plaque at the entrance of the Ferguson Library located at Atlantic Avenue at Broad Street in Stamford reads:

  In honor of John Day Ferguson
Through whose efforts this library was founded
A Man of Sterling Character of Endearing
Qualities and Fine Culture. A Citizen who
Gladly Devoted to the Best Interests of
His Town His Time, His Energy and His High

The Ferguson Library in downtown Stamford

The library began with a bequest of $10,000 from Ferguson which was conditional upon raising $25,000 "by subscription or otherwise." 

The Stamford History website aptly pays tribute to Ferguson with these kind words:  "His intelligent, unselfish and unwearied interest in everything that pertained to the schools [of Connecticut] was enhanced by the characteristic courtliness and geniality of his intercourse with the teachers, and his habitual demeanor towards the children made every youthful face brighten at his visits. At his death,the School Board passed a resolution 'that the public schools of  Stamford, owing so much of their excellence to John D. Ferguson, be closed on Wednesday, December 12, 1877, the day of the funeral.